Write for us


Write for Us – Guest Posting and Sponsored Posting Opportunities Are Available

All of your queries about Guest Posts will be addressed in this page.

  • So, what exactly do you mean by “Guest Posts”?
  • What are the best methods for obtaining Guest Posts?
  • What Is a Guest Blog Spot?
  • To get guest posts on your site, here are some tips.

Our in-house team of editors and official destination content suppliers continue to collaborate to produce exceptional, high-value material that assists travel brands in delivering results, increasing customer loyalty, and establishing themselves as leaders in the travel industry.

Because you are interested in contributing, please take the time to read this page thoroughly. It describes in detail how to collaborate with us in every way. The number of requests we receive each week is in the hundreds, and we simply do not have the time to react to each and every one of them until they have read this page. It should be able to answer 99 percent of your inquiries.

Technical specifications for articles:

On vacantology, guest posts should be at least 2,000 words long, but they can be much longer. Most of the articles on our site are between 2,000 and 4,000 words, so be ready to add more information while editing. During the writing process, we will work together to decide on the angle, keywords to use for SEO, and also the information that must be included. All of the photos in each article will be at least 300dpi and set to 1200 pixels wide. At least 12-15 photos will be in each article.

You must own the copyright to every picture you send to us. A letter that you sign as part of the submission process will say that you own the copyright to both text and images that you write or use in your work. In the case that you don’t own the picture you need, we can get it from photo banks. It’s possible to get them from Creative Commons, Pixabay, and other places like that. In the article, we’ll include a maximum of two contextual links back to your personal blog or media profile, as well as one domain-level link in the bio.

The article must be original, that is, it must not have been published elsewhere on the Internet before. Plagiarism is not tolerated in any form. Every piece of content must be original and written in your own words. Whenever you quote from another source, make sure to give them credit. Never utilize text that has been copied and pasted from a different source. Plagiarism detection software is used by our editors to ensure that the content is original. If we decide to publish one of your guest pieces, we will give you the appropriate credit. The text should be well-organized and separated into sections with subheadings to make it easier to read.

There should be no grammatical mistakes in your content. We do not allow guest posts with connections to spammy websites. Your article will be featured on our website, promoted in our popular newsletter, and shared on our social media accounts if you are chosen. Remember the standards listed above – everything indicated here is taken extremely seriously.

Topics for a guest post on travel include the following:

  • Independent travel about any geography or destination
  • Share tips about a specific destination
  • Your travel stories
  • Road trips and itineraries
  • Practical travel tips
  • Budget travelling
  • Traveling with children
  • Unusual places and unique attractions
  • Alternative travel
  • Moving to a new country
  • Remote work and digital nomadism
  • Travel trends
  • Culture
  • Food
  • Customs and traditions
  • Festivals and holidays

Guest posts guidelines summary:

  • Your content must be original and without plagiarism.
  • Article must be grammatical-error-free.
  • We do not allow guest posts that include spammy website links.
  • The article you wish to submit is free of copyright infringements.
  • A minimum of 2000 words
  • Provide at least 10 images
  • Provide long-tail keyword of article
  • Write a title contain keyword, focused long-tail keyword must be include at least 3 times in text and once in main title, meta description and meta keywords with guest post files. 

Write For Us Travel Guest Post

If you have great idea or story for us, please get in touch & have the process started. You can reach out us by fill the form below.

Guest Posts + Content

Craft Your Story

Please fill in the following fields with some important information about your website.

Looking forward to hearing from you!